Publications using
In Vitro MicroFlow Kits

(Micronucleus Analysis)

Mechanistic Evaluation of Black Cohosh Extract-Induced Genotoxicity in Human Cells

J.-E. Seo1, X. Guo1, D.M. Petibone1, S.D. Shelton1, Y. Chen1, X. Li1, V. Tryndyak1, S.L. Smith-Roe2, K.L. Witt2, N. Mei1, M.G. Manjanatha1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 182, Issue 1, July 2021, Pages 96-106
The genotoxicity potential of luteolin is enhanced by CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 in human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells

X. Li1, X. He1, S. Chen1, Y. Le1, M.S. Bryant1, L. Guo1, K.L. Witt2, N. Mei1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Toxicology Letters
Volume 344, 15 June 2021, Pages 58-68
Differentiating between micronucleus dose-responses induced by whole cigarette smoke solutions with Benchmark Dose potency ranking

R.A. Mittelstaedt, J.G. Shaddock, J.A. Bhalli, X. Guo, Y. Li, N. Mei, M. De, P.A. Richter, R.H. Heflich

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 866, June 2021, Article 503351
Chemical and in vitro bioanalytical assessment of drinking water quality in Manhiça, Mozambique

C.M. Villanueva1,2,3,4, B. Grau-Pujol1,5,6, I. Evlampidou1,2,3, V. Escola5, F. Goñi-Irigoyen2,7,8, J. Kuckelkorn9, T. Grummt9, L. Arjona1,2,3,4, B. Lazaro7, A. Etxeandia7, E. Ulibarrena7, A. Nhacolo5, J. Muñoz1,5

1 ISGlobal
2 CIBER epidemiología y salud pública (CIBERESP)
3 Universitat Pompeu Fabra
4 IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute)
5 Centro de Investigação em Saúde da Manhiça (CISM)
6 Fundación Mundo Sano
7 Health Department of Basque Government
8 Biodonostia Health Research Institute
9 German Environment Agency

Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology
Volume 31, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 276-288

Smoke Chemistry, In Vitro Cytotoxicity, and Genotoxicity Demonstrates Enhanced Toxicity of Cigarillos Compared With Cigarettes

L. Crosby1, B. Yucesoy1, C. Leggett1, Z. Tu1, S.A. Belinsky2, J. McDonald2, S. Leng2, G. Wu2, H. Irshad2, L.G. Valerio1, H. Rosenfeldt1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 180, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 122-135
Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of E-Cigarette Generated Aerosols Containing Diverse Flavoring Products and Nicotine in Oral Epithelial Cell Lines

C.S. Tellez1, D.E. Juri1, L.M. Phillips1, K. Do1, C.M. Yingling1, C.L. Thomas1, W.W. Dye1, G. Wu1, S. Kishida2, T. Kiyono3, S.A. Belinsky1

1 Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
2 Kagoshima University
3 National Cancer Center

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 179, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 220-228
A comparison of classical and 21st century genotoxicity tools: A proof of concept study of 18 chemicals comparing in vitro micronucleus, ToxTracker and genomics-based methods (TGx-DDI, whole genome clustering and connectivity mapping)

A. Allemang1, K.N. De Abrew1, Y.K. Shan1, J.M. Krailler2, S. Pfuhler1

The Procter & Gamble Company

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 62, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 92-107
Effects of GSTT1 Genotype on the Detoxification of 1,3-Butadiene Derived Diepoxide and Formation of Promutagenic DNA–DNA Cross-Links in Human Hapmap Cell Lines

G. Boysen1,2, R. Arora3, A. Degner1,3, K.R. Vevang1, C. Chao1, F. Rodriguez1, S.J. Walmsley1,3, L. Erber1, N.Y. Tretyakova1,3, L.A. Peterson1,3

1 University of Minnesota Minneapolis
2 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
3 University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center

Chemical Research in Toxicology
Volume 34, Issue 1, 18 January 2021, Pages 119-131
Detection of urethane-induced genotoxicity in vitro using metabolically competent human 2D and 3D spheroid culture models

U.-K. Shah1, J.R. Verma2, K.E. Chapman1, E.C. Wilde1, J.A. Tonkin1, M.R. Brown1, G.E. Johnson1, S.H. Doak1, G.J. Jenkins1

1 Swansea University
2 Covance Laboratories Limited

Volume 35, Issue 6, November 2020, Pages 445-452
Exploring Flow Cytometry-Based Micronucleus Scoring for Reliable Nanomaterial Genotoxicity Assessment

P. Franz1, A. Bürkle2, P. Wick1, C. Hirsch1

1 Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
2 University of Konstanz

Chemical Research in Toxicology
Volume 33, Issue 10, 18 Sep 2020, Pages 2538-2549
ANKLE1 N6-Methyladenosine-related variant is associated with colorectal cancer risk by maintaining the genomic stability

J. Tian1, P. Ying1, J. Ke1, Y. Zhu1, Y. Yang1, Y. Gong1, D. Zou1, X. Peng1, N. Yang1, X. Wang1, S. Mei1, Y. Zhang2, C. Wang3, R. Zhong1, J. Chang1, and X. Miao1

1 Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology
2 The Eighth Hospital of Wuhan City
3 Shenzhen Nanshan Center for Chronic Disease Control

International Journal of Cancer
Volume 146, Issue 12, 15 June 2020, Pages 3281-3293
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of e-liquids and their potential associations with nicotine, menthol and phthalate esters

I. Al-Saleh1, R. Elkhatib1, T. Al-Rajoudi1, G. Al-Qudaihi1, P. Manogarannogaran2, C. Eltabache1, A. Alotaibi3, A. Bin Mummer4, S. Almugbel5

1 Environmental Health Program
2 Stem Cell, and Tissue Re-Engineering Program
3 King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
4 King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
5 Al-Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University

Volume 249, June 2020
Similar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Genotoxicity Profiles of Atmospheric Particulate Matter from Cities on Three Different Continents

B.S. Maselli1, V. Cunha2, H. Lim3, C. Bergvall3, R. Westerholm3, K. Dreij2, T. Watanabe4, A.A. Cardoso5, S.A. Pozza6, G.A. Umbuzeiro1,6, F. Kummrow1,7

1 University of São Paulo
2 Karolinska Institutet
3 Stockholm University
4 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
5 São Paulo State University
6 State University of Campinas
7 Federal University of São Paulo

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 61, Issue 5, 01 June 2020, Pages 560-573
Development and Application of TK6-derived Cells Expressing Human Cytochrome P450s for Genotoxicity Testing

X. Li1, S. Chen1, X. Guo1, Q. Wu1, J.E. Seo1, L. Guo1, M.G. Manjanatha1, T. Zhou1, K.L. Witt 2, N. Mei1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 175, Issue 2, 01 June 2020, Pages 251-265
Flow Cytometric Micronucleus Assay and TGx-DDI Transcriptomic Biomarker Analysis of Ten Genotoxic and Non-Genotoxic Chemicals in Human HepaRG™ Cells

J.K. Buick1, A. Williams1, R. Gagné1, C.D. Swartz2, L. Recio2, S.S. Ferguson3, C.L. Yauk1

1 Health Canada
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems Inc.
3 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Genes and Environment
Volume 42, Article 5, 04 February 2020
Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of cadmium oxide nanoparticles evaluated using in vitro assays

E. Demir1,5, T. Qin1, Y. Li1,6, Y. Zhang1, X. Guo1, T. Ingle1, J. Yan1, A.I. Orza2,3, A.S. Biris4, S. Ghorai1, T. Zhou1, T. Chen1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 Emory University School of Medicine
3 CellaCure LLC
4 University of Arkansas at Little Rock
5 Antalya Bilim University
6 Eli Lilly and Company

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volumes 850-851, 01 February 2020 - 01 March 2020
Development of an integrated assay in human TK6 cells to permit comprehensive genotoxicity analysis in vitro

D.J. Smart, F.R. Helbling, M. Verardo, A. Huber, D. McHugh, P. Vanscheeuwijck


Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 849, 01 January 2020
Mode‐of‐action analysis of the effects induced by nicotine in the in vitro micronucleus assay

D.J. Smart, F.R. Helbling, M. Verardo, D. McHugh, P. Vanscheeuwijck


Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 60, Issue 9, 01 December 2019, Pages 778-791
DNA damage enhancement by radiotherapy-activated hafnium oxide nanoparticles improves cGAS-STING pathway activation in human colorectal cancer cells

J. Marill, N.M. Anesary, S. Paris


Radiotherapy and Oncology
Volume 141, December 2019, Pages 262-266
Integrated in silico and in vitro genotoxicity assessment of thirteen data-poor substances

Y.K. Tran1,2, J.K. Buick1, J.L.A. Keir1,3, A. Williams1, C.D. Swartz4, L. Recio4, P.A. White1,3, I.B. Lambert2, C.L. Yauk1,2

1 Health Canada
2 Carleton University
3 University of Ottawa
4 Integrated Laboratory Systems Inc.

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
Volume 107, October 2019
Use of in vitro bioassays to facilitate read-across assessment of nitrogen substituted heterocycle analogues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

M. Coulet1, H. Latado1, M. Moser1, H. Besselink2, M. Tate3, F. Minetto1, C.C. Fontannaz1, P. Serrant1, J. Mollergues1, D. Piguet1, B. Schilter1, M. Marin-Kuan1

1 Nestlé Research Center
2 BioDetection Systems B.V.
3 Gentronix Limited

Toxicology in Vitro
Volume 59, 01 September 2019, Pages 281-291
Innovative drinking water treatment techniques reduce the disinfection-induced oxidative stress and genotoxic activity

J. Lundqvist1, A. Andersson2, A. Johannisson1, E. Lavonen3,4, G. Mandava1, H. Kylin2,5, D. Bastviken2, A. Oskarsson1

1 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
2 Linköping University
3 Norrvatten
4 Stockholm Vatten och Avfall
5 North-West University

Water Research
Volume 155, 15 May 2019, Pages 182-192
In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

S. McCarrick1, V. Cunha1, O. Zapletal1,2,3, J. Vondráček3, K. Dreij1

1 Karolinska Institutet
2 Masaryk University
3 Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Environmental Pollution
Volume 246, 01 March 2019, Pages 678-687
In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

S. McCarrick1, V. Cunha1, O. Zapletal1,2,3, J. Vondráček2, K. Dreij1

1 Karolinska Institutet
2 Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
3 Masaryk University

Environmental Pollution
Volume 246, March 2019, Pages 678-687
Baseline effects of non-flavored e-liquids in the in vitro micronucleus assay

D.J. Smart, F.R. Helbling, D. McHugh, and P. Vanscheeuwijck

Philip Morris Products S.A.

Toxicology Research and Application
Volume 3, January-December 2019, Pages 1-9
Relative potency of fifteen pyrrolizidine alkaloids to induce DNA damage as measured by micronucleus induction in HepaRG human liver cells

A. Allemang, C. Mahony, C. Lester, S. Pfuhler

Proctor & Gamble

Food and Chemical Toxicology
Volume 121, 01 November 2018, Pages 72-81
Role of apurinic/apyrimidinic nucleases in the regulation of homologous recombination in myeloma: mechanisms and translational significance

S. Kumar1,2, S. Talluri1,2, J. Pal1,2,3, X. Yuan1,2, R. Lu1,2, P. Nanjappa1,2, M.K. Samur1,4, N.C. Munshi1,2,4, M.A. Shammas1,2

1 Dana Farber Cancer Institute
2 Veterans Administration Boston Healthcare System
3 Pt J.N.M. Medical College
4 Harvard Medical School

Blood Cancer Journal
Volume 8, Issue 10, 01 October 2018, Article 92
Micronucleus induction and cell cycle alterations produced by deoxynivalenol and its acetylated derivatives in individual and combined exposure on HepG2 cells

A. Juan-García, M. Taroncher, G. Font, M.J. Ruiz

University of Valencia

Food and Chemical Toxicology
Volume 118, 01 August 2018, Pages 719-725
Genotoxicity evaluation of the naturally-derived food colorant, gardenia blue, and its precursor, genipin

C.A. Hobbs1, M. Koyanagi2, C. Swartz1, J. Davis1, R. Maronpot3, L. Recio1, S.M. Hayashi2

1 Integrated Laboratory Systems
2 San-Ei Gen F.F.I.
3 Maronpot Consulting LLC

Food and Chemical Toxicology
Volume 118, 01 August 2018, Pages 695-708
Evaluation of genotoxicity and mutagenic effects of vector/DNA nanocomplexes in transfected mesenchymal stem cells by flow cytometry

A. Nomani1, X. Chen1, A. Hatefi1,2

1 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
2 Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey

Acta Biomaterialia
Volume 74, 01 July 2018, Pages 236-246
Quaternary (triphenyl-) phosphonium compounds: Environmental behavior and toxicity

S. Brand1, M.P. Schlüsener1, D. Albrecht1, U. Kunkel1, C. Strobel2, T. Grummt2, T.A. Ternes1

1 Federal Institute of Hydrology
2 German Environment Agency

Water Research
Volume 136, 01 June 2018, Pages 207-219
Black Cohosh Extracts and Powders Induce Micronuclei, a Biomarker of Genetic Damage, in Human Cells

S.L. Smith-Roe1, C.D. Swartz2, K.G. Shepard2, S.M. Bryce3, S.D. Dertinger3, S. Waidyanatha1, G.E. Kissling1, S.S. Auerbach1, and K.L. Witt1

1 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc.
3 Litron Laboratories

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 59, Issue 5, June 2018, Pages 416-426
RNA-sequencing reveals long-term effects of silver nanoparticles on human lung cells

A.R. Gliga1, S. Di Bucchianico1, J. Lindvall2, B. Fadeel1, H.L. Karlsson1

1 Karolinska Institute
2 Stockholm University

Scientific Reports
Volume 8, 27 April 2018, Article 6668
Comprehensive evaluation of the flavonol anti-oxidants, alpha-glycosyl isoquercitrin and isoquercitrin, for genotoxic potential

C.A. Hobbs1, M. Koyanagi2, C. Swartz1, J. Davis1, S. Kasamoto3, R. Maronpot4, L. Recio1, S.M. Hayashi2

1 Integrated Laboratory Systems
2 San-Ei Gen F.F.I.
3 Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Biosafety Research Center
4 Maronpot Consulting LLC

Food and Chemical Toxicology
Volume 113, 01 March 2018, Pages 218-227
Genotoxicity evaluation of multi-component mixtures of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), arsenic, cadmium, and lead using flow cytometry based micronucleus test in HepG2 cells

S. Muthusamy, C. Peng, J.C. Ng

The University of Queensland

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 827, 01 March 2018, Pages 9-18
Adduction to arginine detoxifies aflatoxin B1 by eliminating genotoxicity and altering in vitro toxicokinetic profiles

B.R. Rushing, M.I. Selim

East Carolina University

Volume 9, Issue 4, 12 Jan 2018, Pages 4559-4570
Size-dependent genotoxicity of silver, gold and platinum nanoparticles studied using the mini-gel comet assay and micronucleus scoring with flow cytometry

J. Lebedová1,2, Y.S. Hedberg3, I.O. Wallinder3, and H.L. Karlsson1

1 Karolinska Institutet
2. Masaryk University
3. KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 77-85
Classification of In Vitro Genotoxicants Using a Novel Multiplexed Biomarker Assay Compared to the Flow Cytometric Micronucleus Test

S. Wilde, M. Dambowsky, C. Hempt, A. Sutter, and N. Queisser

Bayer AG

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 58, Issue 9, December 2017, Pages 662-677
Integration of the TGx-28.65 genomic biomarker with the flow cytometry micronucleus test to assess the genotoxicity of disperse orange and 1,2,4-benzenetriol in human TK6 cells

J.K. Buick1, A. Williams1, B. Kuo1, J.W. Wills1, C.D. Swartz2, L. Recio2, H.H. Li3, A.J. Fornace Jr.3, J. Aubrecht4, C.L. Yauk1

1 Health Canada
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems
3 Georgetown University Medical Center
4 Pfizer

Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Volume 806, 01 December 2017, Pages 51-62
Assessing the concentration of phthalate esters (PAEs) and bisphenol A (BPA) and the genotoxic potential of treated wastewater (final effluent) in Saudi Arabia

I. Al-Saleh, R. Elkhatib, T. Al-Rajoudi, G. Al-Qudaihi

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

Science of The Total Environment
Volume 578, 01 February 2017, Pages 440-451
Transformation products in the water cycle and the unsolved problem of their proactive assessment: A combined in vitro/in silico approach

J. Menz, A.P. Toolaram, T. Rastogi, C. Leder, O. Olsson, K. Kümmerer, M. Schneider

Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Environment International
Volume 98, 01 January 2017, Pages 171-180
Differential genotoxicity mechanisms of silver nanoparticles and silver ions

Y. Li1,2, T. Qin1,3, T. Ingle1, J. Yan1, W. He1,4, J.J. Yin1, T. Chen1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 Covance Laboratories
3 Bio-Medical Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corporation
4 Kuching University

Archives of Toxicology
Volume 91, Issue 1, 01 January 2017, Pages 509-519
Factors affecting the in vitro micronucleus assay for evaluation of nanomaterials

Y. Li1,2, S.H. Doak3, J. Yan1, D.H. Chen4, M. Zhou5, R.A. Mittelstaedt1, Y. Chen1, C. Li5, and T. Chen1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 Covance Laboratories Inc.
3 Swansea University Medical School
4 Columbia University in the City of New York
5 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Volume 32, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 151-159
Size- and coating-dependent cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of silver nanoparticles evaluated using in vitro standard assays

X. Guo1, Y. Li1, J. Yan1, T. Ingle1, M.Y. Jones1, N. Mei1, M.D. Boudreau1, C.K. Cunningham1, M. Abbas1,2, A.M. Paredes1, T. Zhou1, M.M. Moore1, P.C. Howard1, T. Chen1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 The University of Lahore

Volume 10, Issue 9, 01 November 2016, Pages 1373-1384
Application of the TGx-28.65 transcriptomic biomarker to classify genotoxic and non-genotoxic chemicals in human TK6 cells in the presence of rat liver S9

C.L. Yauk1, J.K. Buick1, A. Williams1, C.D. Swartz2, L. Recio2, H.H. Li3, A.J. Fornace3, E.M. Thomson1, J. Aubrecht4

1 Health Canada
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems
3 Georgetown University Medical Center
4 Pfizer

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 57, Issue 4, 01 May 2016, Pages 243-260
Initial hazard screening for genotoxicity of photo-transformation products of ciprofloxacin by applying a combination of experimental and in-silico testing

A.P. Toolaram1, T. Haddad1,2, C. Leder1, K. Kümmerer1

1 Leuphana University of Lüneburg
2 University of Aleppo

Environmental Pollution
Volume 211, 01 April 2016, Pages 148-156
Genetic and rat toxicity studies of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase

R.R. Maronpot1, C.A. Hobbs2, J. Davis2, C. Swartz2, M. Boyle2, M. Koyanagi3, S.M. Hayashi3

1 Maronpot Consulting LLC
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems
3 San-Ei Gen F.F.I.

Toxicology Reports
Volume 3, 07 March 2016, Pages 381-392
LC-MS- and 1H NMR-Based Metabolomic Analysis and in Vitro Toxicological Assessment of 43 Aristolochia Species

J. Michl1, G.C. Kite2, S. Wanke3, O. Zierau3, G. Vollmer3, C. Neinhuis3, M.S.J. Simmonds2, M. Heinrich1

1 UCL School of Pharmacy
2 Royal Botanic Gardens
3 Technische Universität Dresden

Journal of Natural Products
Volume 79, Issue 1, 22 January 2016, Pages 30-37
Best practices for application of attachment cells to in vitro micronucleus assessment by flow cytometry

J.C. Bemis1, S.M. Bryce1, M. Nern2, M. Raschke2, A. Sutter2

1 Litron Laboratories
2 Bayer HealthCare

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 795, 01 January 2016, Pages 51-59
Incorporation of metabolic activation potentiates cyclophosphamide-induced DNA damage response in isogenic DT40 mutant cells

K. Hashimoto1,2, S. Takeda3, J.A. Swenberg1, J. Nakamura1

1 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
3 Kyoto University

Volume 30, Issue 6, 01 November 2015, Pages 821-828
Integration of metabolic activation with a predictive toxicogenomics signature to classify genotoxic versus nongenotoxic chemicals in human TK6 cells

J.K. Buick1, I. Moffat1, A. Williams1, C.D. Swartz2, L. Recio2, D.R. Hyduke3,4, H.H. Li4, A.J. Fornace4, J. Aubrecht5, C.L. Yauk1

1 Health Canada
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems
3 Utah State University
4 Georgetown University Medical Center
5 Pfizer

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 56, Issue 6, 01 July 2015, Pages 520-534
Silver nanoparticles: correlating nanoparticle size and cellular uptake with genotoxicity

K.S. Butler, D.J. Peeler, B.J. Casey, B.J. Dair, R.K. Elespuru

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Volume 30, Issue 4, 01 July 2015, Pages 577-591
New approaches to advance the use of genetic toxicology analyses for human health risk assessment

G.E. Johnson1, W. Slob1, S.H. Doak1, M.D. Fellows2, B.B. Gollapudi3, R.H. Heflich4, B.J. Rees1, L.G. Soeteman-Hernández5, J.R. Verma1, J.W. Wills1, G.J.S. Jenkins1, P.A. White6

1 Swansea University
2 AstraZeneca
3 Exponent
4 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
5 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
6 Health Canada

Toxicology Research
Volume 4, Issue 3, 01 May 2015, Pages 667-676
Histone markers identify the mode of action for compounds positive in the TK6 micronucleus assay

J.R. Cheung, D.A. Dickinson, J. Moss, M.J. Schuler, R.A. Spellman, P.L. Heard

Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 777, 01 January 2015, Pages 7-16
Validation of a high throughput flow cytometric in vitro micronucleus assay including assessment of metabolic activation in TK6 cells

A.V. Thougaard, J. Christiansen, T. Mow, J.J. Hornberg

H. Lundbeck A/S

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 55, Issue 9, 01 December 2014, Pages 704-718
Co-assessment of cell cycle and micronucleus frequencies demonstrates the influence of serum on the in vitro genotoxic response to amorphous monodisperse silica nanoparticles of varying sizes

L. Gonzalez1, M. Lukamowicz-Rajska2, L.C.J. Thomassen3, C.E.A. Kirschhock3, L. Leyns1, D. Lison4, J.A. Martens3, A. Elhajouji2, M. Kirsch-Volders1

1 Vrije Universiteit Brussel
2 Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research
3 Center for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
4 Université catholique de Louvain

Volume 8, Issue 8, 01 December 2014, Pages 876-884
Interpreting in vitro micronucleus positive results: simple biomarker matrix discriminates clastogens, aneugens, and misleading positive agents

S.M. Bryce1, J.C. Bemis1, J.A. Mereness1, R.A. Spellman2, J. Moss2, D. Dickinson2, M.J. Schuler2, S.D. Dertinger1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 55, Issue 7, 01 August 2014, Pages 542-555
Dose-response modeling of etoposide-induced DNA damage response

Z. Li1, B. Sun1, R.A. Clewell1, Y. Adeleye2, M.E. Andersen1, Q. Zhang1

1 The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
2 Unilever

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 137, Issue 2, 01 February 2014, Pages 371-384
miR-34a suppresses mutagenesis by inducing apoptosis in human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells

X. Chen, Y. Zhang, J. Yan, R. Sadiq, T. Chen

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 758, Issues 1-2, 12 December 2013, Pages 35-40
Nonlinear responses for chromosome and gene level effects induced by vinyl acetate monomer and its metabolite, acetaldehyde in TK6 cells

R. Budinsky1, B. Gollapudi1, R.J. Albertini2, R. Valentine3, M. Stavanja4, J. Teeguarden5, R. Fensterheim6, D. Rick1, T. Lardie1, L. McFadden1, A. Green7, L. Recio7

1 The Dow Chemical Company
2 The University of Vermont
3 DuPont Haskell Global Centers for Health and Environmental Sciences
4 Celanese International Corporation
5 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
6 RegNet Environmental Services
7 Integrated Laboratory Systems

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 54, Issue 9, 01 December 2013, Pages 755-768
Genetic stability of bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stromal cells in the Quantum System

M. Jones1, M. Varella-Garcia2, M. Skokan2, S. Bryce3, J. Schowinsky2, R. Peters1, B. Vang1, M. Brecheisen1, T. Startz1, N. Frank1, B. Nankervis1

1 Terumo BCT
2 University of Colorado–Denver
3 Litron Laboratories

Volume 15, Issue 11, 01 November 2013, Pages 1323-1339
Multi-platform genotoxicity analysis of silver nanoparticles in the model cell line CHO-K1

X. Jiang1,2, R. Foldbjerg2, T. Miclaus2, L. Wang1, R. Singh3, Y. Hayashi2, D. Sutherland2, C. Chen1, H. Autrup2, C. Beer2

1 Chinese Academy of Science
2 Aarhus University
3 University of Leicester

Toxicology Letters
Volume 222, Issue 1, 12 September 2013, Pages 55-63
Assessing dose-dependent differences in DNA-damage, p53 response and genotoxicity for quercetin and curcumin

B. Sun1, S.M. Ross1, O.J. Trask1, P.L. Carmichael2, M. Dent2, A. White2, M.E. Andersen1, R.A. Clewell1

1 The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
2 Unilever

Toxicology in Vitro
Volume 27, Issue 6, 01 September 2013, Pages 1877-1887
In vitro micronucleus assay for the analysis of total particulate matter in cigarette smoke: comparison of flow cytometry and laser scanning cytometry with microscopy

J. Yao1,2, Q. Gao2, Q. Mi2, X. Li2, M. Miao2, P. Cheng3, Y. Luo1

1 Kunming University of Science & Technology
2 Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science
3 The University of Queensland, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 755, Issue 2, 15 August 2013, Pages 120-125
Nitroxide TEMPO: a genotoxic and oxidative stress inducer in cultured cells

X. Guo1, R.A. Mittelstaedt1, L. Guo1, J.G. Shaddock1, R.H. Heflich1, A.H. Bigger2, M.M. Moore1, N. Mei1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 Bigger Consulting

Toxicology in Vitro
Volume 27, Issue 5, 01 August 2013, Pages 1496-1502
Genotoxicity of 2-bromo-3'-chloropropiophenone

F. Meng, J. Yan, Y. Li, P.P. Fu, L.H. Fossom, R.K. Sood, D.J. Mans, P.I. Chu, M.M. Moore, T. Chen

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Volume 270, Issue 2, 15 July 2013, Pages 158-163
Biomarkers of exposure and effect in human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells following [13C2]-acetaldehyde exposure

B.C. Moeller1, L. Recio2, A. Green2, W. Sun1, F.A. Wright1, W.M. Bodnar1, J.A. Swenberg1

1 University of North Carolina
2 Integrated Laboratory Systems

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 133, Issue 1, 01 May 2013, Pages 1-12
Flow cytometric 96-well microplate-based in vitro micronucleus assay with human TK6 cells: protocol optimization and transferability assessment

S.M. Bryce1, S.L. Avlasevich1, J.C. Bemis1, M. Tate2, R.M. Walmsley2, F. Saad3, K. Van Dijck3, M. De Boeck3, F. Van Goethem3, M. Lukamowicz-Rajska4, A. Elhajouji4, S.D. Dertinger1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 Gentronix Ltd. and University of Manchester
3 Janssen Research and Development
4 Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 54, Issue 3, 01 April 2013, Pages 180-194
Nongenotoxic apoptosis inducers do not produce misleading positive results in the TK6 cell-based GADD45a-GFP genotoxicity assay

C.H. Topham1, N. Billinton2, R.M. Walmsley1,2

1 The University of Manchester
2 Gentronix Ltd.

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 128, Issue 1, 01 July 2012, Pages 79-91
Genotoxicity of silver nanoparticles evaluated using the Ames test and in vitro micronucleus assay

Y. Li1, D.H. Chen2, J. Yan1, Y. Chen1, R.A. Mittelstaedt1, Y. Zhang1, A.S. Biris3, R.H. Heflich1, T. Chen1

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2 Little Rock Central High School
3 University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 745, Issues 1-2, 14 June 2012, Pages 4-10
Dose-response assessment of naphthalene-induced genotoxicity and glutathione detoxication in human TK6 lymphoblasts

L. Recio1, K.G. Shepard1, L.G. Hernández2, G.L. Kedderis3

1 Integrated Laboratory Systems
2 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
3 Consultant

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 126, Issue 2, 01 April 2012, Pages 405-412
Genotoxicity assessment of water soluble fractions of biodiesel and its diesel blends using the Salmonella assay and the in vitro MicroFlow® kit (Litron) assay

D.M. Leme1, T. Grummt2, D. Palma de Oliveira3, A. Sehr2, S. Renz2, S. Reinel2, E.R.A. Ferraz3, M.R. Rodrigues de Marchi1, M.C. Machado1, G.J. Zocolo1, M.A. Marin-Morales1

1 Universidade Estadual Paulista
2 Federal Environment Agency
3 Universidade de São Paulo

Volume 86, Issue 5, 01 February 2012, Pages 512-520
An overview of biodiesel soil pollution: data based on cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessments

D.M. Leme1, T. Grummt2, R. Heinze2, A. Sehr2, S. Renz2, S. Reinel2, D. Palma de Oliveira3, E.R.A. Ferraz3, M.R. Rodrigues de Marchi1, M.C. Machado1, G.J. Zocolo1, M.A. Marin-Morales1

1 Universidade Estadual Paulista
2 Federal Environment Agency
3 Universidade de São Paulo

Journal of Hazardous Materials
Volumes 199-200, 15 January 2012, Pages 343-349
Comparative analysis of micronuclei and DNA damage induced by Ochratoxin A in two mammalian cell lines

R. Ali1,2, R.A. Mittelstaedt2, J.G. Shaddock2, W. Ding2, J.A. Bhalli2, Q.M. Khan1, R.H. Heflich2

1 National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
2 U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 723, Issue 1, 14 July 2011, Pages 58-64
A flow cytometry based in vitro micronucleus assay in TK6 cells--validation using early stage pharmaceutical development compounds

M. Lukamowicz1, K. Woodward1, M. Kirsch-Volders2, W. Suter1, A. Elhajouji1

1 Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research
2 Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 52, Issue 5, 01 June 2011, Pages 363-372
In vitro micronucleus screening of pharmaceutical candidates by flow cytometry in Chinese hamster V79 cells

J. Nicolette1, M. Diehl1, P. Sonders1, S. Bryce2, E. Blomme1

1 Abbott Laboratories
2 Litron Laboratories

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 52, Issue 5, 01 June 2011, Pages 355-362
Miniaturized flow cytometry-based CHO-K1 micronucleus assay discriminates aneugenic and clastogenic modes of action

S.M. Bryce, S.L. Avlasevich, J.C. Bemis, S.D. Dertinger

Litron Laboratories

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 52, Issue 4, 01 May 2011, Pages 280-286
Flow cytometric analysis of micronuclei in mammalian cell cultures: past, present and future

S. Avlasevich1, S. Bryce1, M. De Boeck2, A. Elhajouji3, F. Van Goethem2, A. Lynch4, J. Nicolette5, J. Shi6, S. Dertinger1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 Johnson and Johnson
3 Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research
4 GlaxoSmithKline
5 Abbott Laboratories
6 BioReliance

Volume 26, Issue 1, 01 January 2011, Pages 147-152
Miniaturized flow cytometric in vitro micronucleus assay represents an efficient tool for comprehensively characterizing genotoxicity dose-response relationships

S.M. Bryce, S.L. Avlasevich, J.C. Bemis, S. Phonethepswath, S.D. Dertinger

Litron Laboratories

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 703, Issue 2, 21 December 2010, Pages 191-199
Advantages of human hepatocyte-derived transformants expressing a series of human cytochrome p450 isoforms for genotoxicity examination

T. Hashizume1, S. Yoshitomi1, S. Asahi1, R. Uematsu1, S. Matsumura1, F. Chatani1, H. Oda2

1 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
2 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Toxicological Sciences
Volume 116, Issue 2, 01 August 2010, Pages 488-497
High content flow cytometric micronucleus scoring method is applicable to attachment cell lines

S.M. Bryce1, J. Shi2, J. Nicolette3, M. Diehl3, P. Sonders3, S. Avlasevich1, S. Raja1, J.C. Bemis1, S.D. Dertinger1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 BioReliance
3 Abbott Laboratories

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 51, Issue 3, 01 April 2010, Pages 260-266
Further evaluation of a flow cytometric in vitro micronucleus assay in CHO-K1 cells: a reliable platform that detects micronuclei and discriminates apoptotic bodies

J. Shi, R. Bezabhie, A. Szkudlinska


Volume 25, Issue 1, 01 January 2010, Pages 33-40
Evaluation of the Litron In Vitro MicroFlow Kit for the flow cytometric enumeration of micronuclei (MN) in mammalian cells

J.E. Collins1, P.C. Ellis2, A.T. White1, A.E.G. Booth1, C.E. Moore3, M. Burman1, R.W. Rees1, A.M. Lynch1

1 GlaxoSmithKline
2 Pfizer
3 Unilever

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 654, Issue 1, 30 June 2008, Pages 76-81
Interlaboratory evaluation of a flow cytometric, high content in vitro micronucleus assay

S.M. Bryce1, S.L. Avlasevich1, J.C. Bemis1, M. Lukamowicz2, A. Elhajouji2, F. Van Goethem3, M. De Boeck3, D. Beerens3, H. Aerts3, J. Van Gompel3, J.E. Collins4, P.C. Ellis4, A.T. White4, A.M. Lynch4, S.D. Dertinger1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 Novartis Pharma
3 Johnson & Johnson
4 GlaxoSmithKline

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 650, Issue 2, 29 February 2008, Pages 181-195
In vitro micronucleus assay scored by flow cytometry provides a comprehensive evaluation of cytogenetic damage and cytotoxicity

S.M. Bryce, J.C. Bemis, S.L. Avlasevich, S.D. Dertinger,

Litron Laboratories

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 630, Issues 1-2, 15 June 2007, Pages 78-91
In vitro micronucleus scoring by flow cytometry: differential staining of micronuclei versus apoptotic and necrotic chromatin enhances assay reliability

S.L. Avlasevich, S.M. Bryce, S.E. Cairns, S.D. Dertinger

Litron Laboratories

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 47, Issue 1, 01 January 2006, Pages 56-66