Publications using
Human MicroFlow Kits

(Micronucleus Analysis)

Assessment of systemic genetic damage in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

A. Baig1, S.L. Avlasevich2, D.K. Torous2, J.C. Bemis2, L.J. Saubermann1, D.P. Lovell3, J.T. MacGregor4, and S.D. Dertinger2

1 University of Rochester Medical Center
2. Litron Laboratories
3 St. George’s University of London
4 Toxicology Consulting Services

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 61, Issue 9, November 2020, Pages 901-909
Human blood PIG-A mutation and micronucleated reticulocyte flow cytometric assays: Method optimization and evaluation of intra- and inter-subject variation

D.K. Torous1, S.L. Avlasevich1, M.G. Khattab2, A. Baig3, L.J. Saubermann3, Y. Chen3, J.C. Bemis1, D.P. Lovell4, V.E. Walker5, J.T. MacGregor6, S.D. Dertinger1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 Baylor College of Medicine
3 University of Rochester Medical Center
4 University of London
5 University of Vermont
6 Toxicology Consulting Services

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 61, Issue 8, October 2020, Pages 807-819
Influence of severity of anemia on clinical findings in infants with sickle cell anemia: analyses from the BABY HUG study

J.D. Lebensburger1, S.T. Miller2, T.H. Howard1, J.F. Casella3, R.C. Brown4, M. Lu5, R.V. Iyer6, S. Sarnaik7, Z.R. Rogers8, W.C. Wang9, BABY HUG Investigators

1 University of Alabama at Birmingham
2 SUNY-Downstate Medical Center/King's County Hospital Center
3 Johns Hopkins University
4 Emory University
5 Clinical Trials & Surveys Corp.
6 University of Mississippi Medical Center
7 Children's Hospital of Michigan
8 UT Southwestern Medical Center
9 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Volume 59, Issue 4, 01 October 2012, Pages 675-678
Genotoxicity associated with hydroxyurea exposure in infants with sickle cell anemia: results from the BABY-HUG Phase III Clinical Trial

P.T. McGann1, J.M. Flanagan1, T.A. Howard1, S.D. Dertinger2, J. He3, A.S. Kulharya4, B.W. Thompson5, R.E. Ware1, BABY HUG Investigators

1 Baylor College of Medicine
2 Litron Laboratories
3 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
4 Georgia Health Sciences University
5 Clinical Trials & Surveys Corp.

Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Volume 59, Issue 2, 01 August 2012, Pages 254-257
Malnutrition and infection influence the peripheral blood reticulocyte micronuclei frequency in children

E. Cervantes-Ríos1,4, R. Ortiz-Muñiz1, A.L. Martínez-Hernández3, L. Cabrera-Rojo3, J. Graniel-Guerrero2, L. Rodríguez-Cruz1

1 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
2 Hospital Pediátrico Iztapalapa
3 Centro de Salud Rural Disperso Agostadero
4 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Volume 731, Issues 1-2, 01 March 2012, Pages 68-74
Primary prophylaxis in sickle cell disease: is it feasible? Is it effective?

A.A. Thompson

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Hematology, The Education Program
Volume 2011, Issue 1, 10 December 2011, Pages 434-439
Hydroxycarbamide in very young children with sickle-cell anaemia: a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial (BABY HUG)

W.C. Wang1, R.E. Ware1, S.T. Miller2, R.V. Iyer3, J.F. Casella4, C.P. Minniti5, S. Rana6, C.D. Thornburg7, Z.R. Rogers8, R.V. Kalpatthi9, J.C. Barredo10, R.C. Brown11, S.A. Sarnaik12, T.H. Howard13, L.W. Wynn1, A. Kutlar14, F.D. Armstrong10, B.A. Files11, J.C. Goldsmith15, M.A. Waclawiw15, X. Huang16, B.W. Thompson16, BABY HUG investigators

1 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2 SUNY Downstate Medical Center
3 University of Mississippi Medical Center
4 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5 Children’s National Medical Center
6 Howard University College of Medicine
7 Duke University Medical Center
8 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
9 Medical University of South Carolina
10 University of Miami
11 Emory University School of Medicine
12 Children’s Hospital of Michigan
13 University of Alabama at Birmingham
14 Medical College of Georgia
15 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
16 the Clinical Trials and Surveys Corporation

The Lancet
Volume 377, Issue 9778, 14 May 2011, Pages 1663-1672
Biomarkers of splenic function in infants with sickle cell anemia: baseline data from the BABY HUG Trial

Z.R. Rogers1, W.C. Wang2, Z. Luo3, R.V. Iyer4, E. Shalaby-Rana5, S.D. Dertinger6, B.L. Shulkin2, J.H. Miller7, B. Files3, P.A. Lane8, B.W. Thompson3, S.T. Miller9, R.E. Ware2, BABY HUG Investigators

1 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
2 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
3 Clinical Trials & Surveys Corporation
4 University of Mississippi Medical Center
5 Children’s National Medical Center
6 Litron Corporation
7 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
8 Emory University
9 SUNY-Downstate Medical Center/Kings County Hospital

Volume 117, Issue 9, 03 March 2011, Page 2614-2617
Assessment of genotoxicity associated with hydroxyurea therapy in children with sickle cell anemia

J.M. Flanagan1, T.A. Howard1, N. Mortier1, S.L. Avlasevich2, M.P. Smeltzer1, S. Wu1, S.D. Dertinger2, R.E. Ware1

1 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2 Litron Laboratories

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 698, Issues 1-2, 30 April 2010, Pages 38-42
Elevated frequencies of micronucleated erythrocytes in infants exposed to zidovudine in utero and postpartum to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV

K.L. Witt1, C.K. Cunningham2, K.B. Patterson3, G.E. Kissling1, S.D. Dertinger4, E. Livingston2, J.B. Bishop1

1 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
2 Duke University Medical Center
3 University of North Carolina
4 Litron Laboratories

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 48, Issues 3-4, 01 April-01 May 2007, Pages 322-329
Quantitative analysis of Howell-Jolly bodies in children with sickle cell disease

V.L. Harrod1, T.A. Howard1, S.A. Zimmerman2, S.D. Dertinger3, R.E. Ware1

1 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2 Duke University Medical Center
3 Litron Laboratories

Experimental Hematology
Volume 35, Issue 2, 01 February 2007, Pages 179-183
Automated human blood micronucleated reticulocyte measurements for rapid assessment of chromosomal damage

S.D. Dertinger1, R.K. Miller2, K. Brewer2, T. Smudzin2, D.K. Torous1, D.J. Roberts1, S.L. Avlasevich1, S.M. Bryce1, S. Sugunan1, Y. Chen2

1 Litron Laboratories
2 University of Rochester

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 626, Issues 1-2, 10 January 2007, Pages 111-119
Three-color labeling method for flow cytometric measurement of cytogenetic damage in rodent and human blood

S.D. Dertinger1, K. Camphausen2, J.T. MacGregor3, M.E. Bishop3, D.K. Torous1, S. Avlasevich1, S. Cairns1, C.R. Tometsko1, C. Menard2, T. Muanza2, Y. Chen4, R.K. Miller4, K. Cederbrant5, K. Sandelin5, I. Pontén5, G. Bolcsfoldi5

1 Litron Laboratories
2 National Cancer Institute
3 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
4 University of Rochester
5 AstraZeneca Research and Development

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Volume 44, Issue 5, 29 October 2004, Pages 427-435
Micronucleated CD71-positive reticulocytes: a blood-based endpoint of cytogenetic damage in humans

S.D. Dertinger1, Y. Chen2, R.K. Miller2, K.J. Brewer2, T. Smudzin2, D.K. Torous1, N.E. Hall1, K.A. Olvany1, F.G. Murante1, C.R. Tometsko1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 University of Rochester

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 542, Issues 1-2, 9 December 2003, Pages 77-87
Enumeration of micronucleated CD71-positive human reticulocytes with a single-laser flow cytometer

S.D. Dertinger1, D.K. Torous1, N.E. Hall1, F.G. Murante1, S.E. Gleason1, R.K. Miller2, C.R. Tometsko1

1 Litron Laboratories
2 University of Rochester

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Volume 515, Issues 1-2, 25 March 2002, Pages 3-14